Actor Jim Caviezel Promotes Crazy QAnon Conspiracy
His show "Person of Interest" was good. His politics are utterly whack.
QAnon is alive and well and getting sicker and crazier by the day.
Passion of the Christ actor and right-wing provocateur Jim Caviezel spoke at a Q conference in Oklahoma last week called the “Health and Freedom” Conference. During his presentation he promoted the anti-Semitic, blood harvesting conspiracy theory targeted at children called "adrenochroming.''
The conference looked more like a megachurch service to give it that hallowed feel.
It started first with the nonsensical Pizzagate pedophile ring that resulted in a man shooting up a DC pizza parlor and has morphed into the belief that rich Hollywood people and Democratic politicians torture children so they can harvest their adrenaline. The theory says has some unspecified rejuvenation properties
It also reminds me of Stephen King's Doctor Sleep book and movie where this band of "shining" vampire-like travelers target kids who have the gift. These travelers meet kids like Danny Torrence from The Shining and suck the power out of him by using torture so they can be revitalized and live for centuries.
This obsessive lunacy is being fomented by TraitorTrump minions like Michael Flynn, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and My Pillow CEO, Mike Lindell.
This means Q's conspiracies will live on. Marjorie Taylor Greene promoted these theories in 2017 and now sits in Congress.
“There’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out,” says Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, “and I think we have the president to do it.” A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
This batsh*t crazy conspiracy still fuels Evangelical MAGA cultists unfortunately and it's being promoted by cretins like Caviezel, who was there to promote some movie about "Tim Ballard, founder of the anti-trafficking organization Operation Underground Railroad. Ballard has been a sort of hero figure for QAnon adherents, and Caviezel played him in an obscure movie called “Sound of Freedom.”
As the Daily Beats reports, Adrenochrome as a chemical compound is easy to come by, but for QAnon psychos, evil liberals have to harvest it.
Their sick fantasies now shape Republican politics.