Biden Says America Isn't Racist, But We Know Who Is

Biden doesn't have to say that White Nationalism is a Republican GOTV strategy. They're proving it every day.

President Biden joined The Today Show this morning and when asked to comment on if American is racist, Biden said no, the America is not racist.

Then he went on to discuss the African-American struggle.

Biden said that after slavery and Jim Crow laws the African-American community has been left behind.

And there was more. "I think after 400 years, African Americans have been left in a position where they are so far behind the eight ball in terms of education and health, in terms of opportunity, I don’t think America is racist, I think the overhang from all of the Jim Crow, and before that slavery, has had a cost, and we have to deal with it.”

Since President Obama was elected, the GOP has embraced their white nationalist base and allowed them to become an overt voice in their party. White Nationalism is their GOTV strategy.

The odious Birtherism meme against Obama was generated by these racists and adopted by Trump.

Then under the TraitorTrump administration, they've increased their membership increase to astounding levels. We hear the usual guffaws from conservatives when they are called racists, and use Black conservatives as a cuckold against those claims, but that hasn't clouded the facts of their actions.

GOP efforts to purge voter rolls and voting apparatuses from minority communities and now the sweeping changes many Republican state legislators are passing now to make voting harder is all the proof we need.

Fox News is embracing white nationalism and spearheading that move is neo-Nazi's favorite talk show host, Tucker Carlson and his white power hour.

Down With Tyranny writes, America May Not Be A Racist Country, But The GOP Is Certainly A Racist Party.

I mean, "the good parts of slavery" guy could only come from ONE political party. Really.

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