Dennis Prager: 'It's A Lie' To Call 3/5ths Compromise Racist
The right has lost their minds over UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield daring to acknowledge America's "original sin of slavery", and the wingnuts over on OANN are attempting to rewrite history in response with some help from Dennis Prager.
The right has lost their minds over UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield daring to acknowledge America's "original sin of slavery", and the wingnuts over on OANN are attempting to rewrite history in response, with some help from Dennis Prager.
Thomas-Greenfield made a recent appearance at the Rev. Al Sharpton‘s National Action Network’s 2021 virtual convention, and here's what she said that has right-wing world up in arms:
“We have to acknowledge that we are an imperfect union and have been since the beginning,” she said. “I’ve seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.”
She touched upon her own background.
“I have personally experienced one of America’s greatest imperfections. Those of us who experience racism cannot, and should not, internalize it, despite the impact it can have on our everyday lives. Racism is the problem of the racist. And it is the problem of the society that produces the racist. And in today’s world, that is every society,” she added.
As the Yahoo report discussed, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shot down an idiotic question from a Newsmax reporter asking whether Biden was going to remove Thomas-Greenfield from her position over the comments. Now we've got Prager, who just wrote this dreck, titled "Whites Aren't Hated for Slavery, but for Making America and the West," attacking her as well, and claiming that America doesn't have a systemic problem with racism, and is not a racist society.
PRAGER: I... well before all of this, one can find it online, I wrote columns in which I said as follows, having written a widely read book on antisemitism, I'm familiar with the issue of ethnic bigotry and specifically antiSemitism and I wrote that this is the second greatest national libel in history.
The first greatest was the blood libel against the Jews in Europe, that they would kill Christian children to make matzo for Passover. It's called the blood libel, and it's the worst national libel in history. The second worst is that America is a racist, systemically racist society.
After attacking the left for supposedly "destroying the country," and accusing Thomas-Greenfield of "crapping" on her own country by heaven forbid acknowledging slavery, he called her and Biden "despicable" for going after never-Trumpers. Prager called Trump "a giant compared to Biden," then proceeded to praise Trump for promoting "patriotic education," offering up this bit of revisionist history about the three-fifths compromise.
And within just a couple of months it's like you're supposed to hate America. You are supposed to go in front of China, where the human rights abuses are unbelievable, unfathomable. North Korea, all these human rights abuses, and you're supposed to say “I hate America.”
I mean, these are our so-called American leaders and this is just paving the path though for them to destroy the constitution, right? They want to change America as we know it. So by saying, hate America, love them.
PRAGER: Yeah, I had heard the statement, but I didn't remember the end of her statement at UN, where our founding documents were attacked by her as being pro-slavery, which is a lie. It's just a lie.
They never specify exactly, what is pro-slavery? The three-fifths clause? The three-fifths clause was anti-slavery, if you know anything – I'm not speaking to you – if you, the ambassador, they don't know.
They don't know the three-fifths was in order to reduce the power, the political power of the southern states, in order to minimize the spread of slavery.
So I would like to know what is slavery embedded in the founding documents? So you are entirely right. They loath the constitution. Why would they... they don't want any body of law that can stop them from wielding power.
Upside-down land in the right-wing alternate universe, as usual. These dangerous propagandists, along with Fox and Newsmax, shouldn't be allowed to pollute our airways, much less call themselves "news."