Don't You Dare Say A Swear On Lindell's Free Speech Platform

George Carlin would be proud of his list of words you're not allowed to say on the "free speech platform" funded by the My Pillow guy.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has way too much money.

And now he's proclaimed he is the savior of "free speech in America" this week, as his new social media site called Frankspeech.com launches.

Frank speech, where there's no swearing, porn or taking God's name in vain allowed.

I kid you not.

"It's kinda like Youtube and Twitter," said Lindell.

Is it me or has Lindell started talking like his lord and savior, Donald J. Trump, by never finishing his sentences, changing subjects midstream, and making weird gestures?

Lindell said, "All the cancels of our First Amendment rights we're seeing going right now, well guess what? It's coming back. You're not going to have to worry about what you're saying and worry about being able to speak out freely."

"We went back and defined, to our Founding Fathers and the Supreme court and stuff to find out what defines free speech," Lindell said. "You don't get to use the four swear words, you know, the C-word, the N-word, the F-word or God's name in vain. Free speech is not pornography. Free speech isn't, 'I'm going to kill you.'"

"It's very well defined in our mission statement. We need to start speaking freely again," he said.

Jesus H. Christ! Oops, I've been banned.

George Carlin would be proud of his list of words you're not allowed to say.

I'm sure that list will grow as soon as his QAnon, anti-Semitic, and conspiracy followers start "free speaking."

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