Fox News Lies About The 'Big Lie'

Fox News and the Republican Party practice nothing more than disreputable performance politics, fueled by photo-ops, lies and conspiracy theories.

Fox News and the Republican Party practice nothing more than disreputable performance politics, fueled by photo-ops, lies and conspiracy theories.

The Biggest Lie ever told by a sitting president and in the history of our nation was told by TraitorTrump when he falsely claimed over and over again that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him by non-existent voter fraud. Here's the evidence.

Fast forward to today.

The latest bit of wingnut performance theater was performed by Sen. McConnell Monday morning and immediately amplified by the right-wing echo chamber.

McConnell claimed corporations were being deceived on voting rights by the Democratic Party because Biden misstated the voting hours included in Georgia's new restrictive voting rights bill.

"And a host of powerful people and institutions apparently think they stand to benefit from parroting this big lie," McConnell said in a statement released earlier.

The wingnut echo chamber got its talking points, sending Fox News pundits to the races, screaming 'big lie' to cover up for Trump's outrageous behavior, while wild-eyed Republican state legislators all across the country are trying to pass insane voter laws based on the real Big Lie.

Major League Baseball, Delta Airlines, Coca-Cola, and a host of other corporations know how to read an article explaining what George's restrictive voting rights laws entail. That's why they pay high-priced lawyers and policy people. I guess McConnell believes corporations are like many QAnon followers and only heed the word of frauds, nuts, conspiracy theorists, and misanthropes hiding their identities.

But if you are watching Fox News today, TraitorTrump sycophant Joe Avella from GOPAC , a constant presence on Fox News and FOX Business, was screeching that another community will be devastated because of Joe Biden.

Avella echoed the same talking points that Mitch McConnell did.

"Let's be clear about what the 'big lie' is," he said. Avella went on and on as if that one mistake caused the downfall of the entire state of Georgia. He never mentioned that Biden reacted to Georgia's new laws.

"There are more than 300 bills being considered by the legislature. Let's be clear about what the big lie is," Former Clinton Deputy Asst Matt Bennett corrected. "There are more than 300 bills being considered by legislatures around the country in Texas and Arizona, all of them premised on one fundamental, gigantic lie which is that there was voter fraud that impacted the presidential election. That's the big lie."

"And that big lie has metastasized in so many -- ", he continued until Sandra Smith couldn't handle the truth and cut in.

She wanted him to call Biden's words a patent lie.

"No," Bennett said.

Avella came back with his one-note talking point. Suddenly Republicans and Fox News are worried about presidential lying or misinformation?

The Washington Post calculated that Trump lied 30,573 times over 4 years, giving false or misleading statements to the American people.

There is one Big Lie. McConnell and Fox News are trying to muddy that up by using the term for a mistake.

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