Seeking Job At Fox, Campos-Duffy Pushes Crazy 'Woke War'
Rachel Campos-Duffy wants a primetime slot at Fox. She'll say anything to get one, as evidenced by this clip.
Kellyanne Conway created the meme of "alternative facts" to defend Sean Spicer's press briefings and her traitorous boss in 2017.
Ever since, Fox News and right-wing media have embraced 'Alternative Facts' completely.
Case in point: polls indicate that most Americans, including Republican voters, widely support the American Rescue Plan Act, but Fox News runs every Republican politician on-air to attack it, claiming there is no bipartisan support.
Out of thin air, Rachel Campos Duffy, vying for a shot to be the 4 PM/7 PM host of Fox Primetime created a new culture war out of whole cloth, and focused on the military.
Transgenders and gays in the military, who put their lives on the line and serve our country, is somehow destroying the United States Armed Forces.
Duffy claims there's a new woke war happening in America.
Duffy's rhetoric stems from TraitorTrump's embrace of white nationalism. Duffy uses conservative catchphrases like "critical race theory" and "gender ideology," brought into the Republican lexicon decades ago by religious leaders to undermine the rights of women and minorities.
Kellyanne Conway would be proud of Rachel's next statement: "And while conservatives were politely debating ideas and our fancy think tanks were churning out policy papers, progresses ruthlessly conquering cultural territory."
What were conservatives politely debating and what policy papers were think tanks churning out you ask? How to hate on immigrants and minorities, promoting QAnon conspiracies and cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy.
She continued, "Hollywood, universities, public schools, media, big tech, Wall Street, and very importantly corporate boards, but the last vestige of the pro-American meritocracy still standing was the US military."
In other words, the entire country has been indoctrinated against racism and bigotry. Except for Fox! That's a QAnon meme as well. We are all sleeping while the Chinese have infiltrated our entire country. I kid you not.
"The military was too masculine," Duffy said with a sh*t eating grin.
Campos-Duffy feigned outraged that military members are asked to read certain books to become educated about the dangers of white supremacy, racism, and right-wing hate.
OMG, the military is doomed.
And who is the cause and commanding the left's woke war against the military?
Michelle Obama!
The former super popular first lady reached out to military spouses. Heaven forbid.
That's all they've got.
While America is slowly getting back to work and getting much-needed financial aid, wingnuts promote phony woke wars and cancel culture. Sad!