Rep. Maxine Waters Tells Jim Jordan To Shut His Mouth
Jim Jordan was so odious Rep. Maxine Waters tells him to shut his damn mouth. Not exactly in those words, but we know what she meant.
During a hearing today from the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, Rep. Jim Jordan was so nasty to Dr. Anthony Fauci and Chairman Jim Clyburn that Rep. Maxine Waters had enough, telling him to respect that chair and "shut your mouth."
Jordan, playing the COVID fool for QAnon, demanded to know when CDC restrictions and guidelines will be rescinded so Americans can get their freedoms back.
There was a lot of back and forth between the two. Dr. Fauci replied that he doesn't look at it as a liberty thing, but as a national health problem.
Jordan, practically spitting from his seat, demanded a date and time. Fauci kept explaining that was dependent upon the number of people being vaccinated, as well as the infection rates going down.
Dr. Fauci said, "My message, Congressman Jordan, is to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as we possibly can to get the level of infection in this country low, so that it is no longer a threat."
Chairman Clyburn then gaveled, and Jordan's time was up, but Gym refused to adhere to his time limit. Chairman Clyburn responded to Jordan and the Ohio representative exploded at the chairman and at Dr. Fauci.
Another back and forth continued until Rep. Maxine Waters finally had enough and yelled, "You need to respect the chair and shut your mouth!"
Mic drop.
That's how you deal with a bullying buffoon.
And the hero of the day goes to Maxine Waters. @RepMaxineWaters
— William Shakespeare (@Shakesnews_) April 15, 2021