MASSIVE Republican Hypocrisy Over Maxine Waters

House Republicans are the biggest hypocrites in Washington these days.

Predictably, the right-wing lying media machine took Maxine Waters words regarding the Chauvin trial out of context and made the story about her instead of a cop killing a handcuffed Black man in cold blood.

It's so predictable, because women leaders, and especially women of color, are frequent punching bags on Fox. Just ask Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. s

So now during a Republican House Leadership press conference, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise announced that he wants to censure Maxine Waters.

Of course he does. Republicans are so desperate to provide a grievance to their supporters, since they have no real political agenda.

Grievance outrage performance art is their go-to move.

A reporter asked,"If Waters comments are worthy of censure, why isn't Representative Mo Brooks's comments worthy of censure when he said at the Stop the Steal rally 'today's the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass?'

"Why wasn't he censured?" the reporter asked.

The Minority Whip refused to directly comment on Brooks and claimed "he's against any sort of political rhetoric that incited violence."

Except when Republicans in Congress, their media minions, and TraitorTrump did consistently.

Scalise alluded to the judge in the Chauvin trial who was forced to respond to Waters's comments because the defense team tried to use her words to get a mistrial.

This is completely ridiculous, since the murder of George Floyd rocked the nation and there's been political outrage by our politicians and in the media for months on end over this case.

Another reporter asked Scalise if what Maxine Waters said is on par with what Donald Trump said during the infamous January 6 rally that inflamed his supporters enough they stormed the US Capitol in an act of sedition.

Scalise like almost all Republicans covered up for Trump and said well he used the words "peaceful "in his remarks so that negates everything he did.

Liars gotta lie.

As Digby writes:

"I know you are but what am I” wingnut bullshit is just exhausting. That is, of course, the point. The idea that Maxine Waters has “tainted” the jury pool and incited violence is ridiculous. The entire world protested the murder of George Floyd all last summer! It’s been front-page news since it happened. And everyone knows that. This is just their lame attempt at “whataboutism” trying to compare Waters to Trump inciting the January 6th insurrection. It’s so dumb I feel stupider just reading about it.

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