Prosecutors Will Love Giuliani's Crazy Interview With Tucker

Why the HECK is Rudy talking on television? He's got a fool for a lawyer, that's why.

Traitor Trump's former personal attorney took time Thursday night to make his prosecutors' job much easier?

Remember that Rudy tried to force The Ukraine to undermine Trump's political rival Joe Biden. He's being investigated by the FBI and Thursday morning the feds raided his apartment.

So last night Rudy went on Tucker to whine that the FBI acted like East Berlin communists.

Carlson asked if the DOJ explained what they were investigating and Giuliani said, "They haven't said anything. They won't explain what they're looking into for two years."

Giuliani just admitted that the Justice Department has been looking into him for two years which destroys all right-wing talking point of a Biden administration targeting him.

Bill Barr was the Attorney General in 2019, as we all know.

Rudy also tweeted the same thing.

Rudy spent most of the interview using the typical conservative ploy of 'whataboutism,' which in Rudy's world is attacking Hunter Biden and his alleged laptop that Giuliani claims he has in his possession.

At the end of the interview, Giuliani demanded the case against him be dismissed and if not, "This is no longer a free ... we might as well be in East Berlin before the wall fell."

"This is tactics only known in a dictatorship, where you seize a lawyer's records right in the middle of his representation of his client," Giuliani said.

Rudy claims that it's the Justice Department that should be prosecuted and disbarred, not him.

Giuliani's behavior after Election Day, 2020 was reprehensible. Promoting phony voter fraud conspiracies has caused this nation great harm.

Under Trump's criminal leadership, with pardons in his pocket, Rudy felt empowered to commit alleged criminal acts in behalf of undermining the U.S. Constitution and free and fair elections in service of a bloviating sociopath who incited an insurrection at the US Capitol in service of his ego.

UPDATE: Oh, great, Rudy hired Alan Dershowitz to represent him in this matter.

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