TikTok Funny: PartyShirt Adds 'Snack Or Yack' To Their Video Arsenal
TikTok darlings Partyshirt have added a new video category: Snack or Yack.
I absolutely love the TikTok viral sensation duo PartyShirt, made up of 2 extremely charismatic and funny guys out in Los Angeles named X (short for Xavier) and Ivy. I talked about them in this intro post and linked to this hilarious scavenger hunt they went on a few weeks ago.
Some readers were confused about why a site that is often talking about heavy stuff, like politics, social justice, climate change, systematic racism, etc, would talk about a TikTok account that you would probably never know about because you don't have TikTok. Well, part of that is because I, as many of you who follow me on twitter know, have a 14 year old son who loves TikTok, so I am trying to keep up on all the things that the cool teens are talking about. And let me tell you - when I said to my kid "hey, those guys PartyShirt are pretty frickin awesome" his eyes bugged and he said "wait, how do you know who they are?" and he legitimately was shocked.
SO, instead of knocking these posts, take a step back from serious stuff and just enjoy some fun videos that I'll link. And for today, we are going to do a mashup of my faves from the last week or two. Normally, X and Ivy show whether viral videos showing science or some sort of hack are real or fake -- but they also just added a crazy new area for review called "Snack or Yack" which is honestly so brave, I am speechless. They literally try any random food combination or trick that is from a video they are tagged in. It can be pretty gross, but they are brave souls...and clearly have iron stomachs (a benefit of being young, amirite?)
Here are a few:
First up, this really bizarre food combo: Fruit roll up and pickles. I was surprised by that one.
This egg thing actually looks pretty damn awesome.
This avocado hack actually blew my mind.
How about goldfish and apple juice? This reminds me of what toddlers to in their high chairs when they are playing with food.
This oreo and OJ video sounded so gross to me, I offered to send the boys some pepto.
And if you want to get back to their OG videos, here are a few:
Seriously, they are the nicest guys and this video is really sweet.
More about them here and seriously, they are so honest about what brought them to TikTok.
This video actually blew my mind. I watched it a dozen times and still do not understand it.
Throwing a shattered sparkplug at the windshield was crazy!
Hopefully you enjoy some of these videos. You do not need a TikTok account to view these videos, or others. It is a fun place to get lost for a bit and learn some of what your kids or grandkids are watching (or eating or dancing to).