Traitor Trump's Delusional Rant Angers GOP Donors
GOP donors were not happy with the narcissistic baby man's "horrible" ravings.

Giving a speech to Republican donors in Florida, the Seditious Ex stuck to his usual script of grievances, lies and conspiracy theories.
Now that he's no longer killing Americans with his COVID lies, he's bashing Dr. Fauci relentlessly because the CDC doc's approval and trust ratings were so much higher than his.
“Have you ever seen anybody that is so full of crap?” Trump said of Fauci.
The only full-of-crap person is the felonious ex-president, who repeatedly misled the American people about COVID, so he could keep pushing them out into the midst of a pandemic to help him win re-election.
As usual he attacked Mitch McConnell and his wife.
But he also threw his former vice-president under the bus for NOT refusing to certify the election delegates on January 6.
Pence had no power to do anything otherwise, because his actions on that day at the US Capitol were only ceremonial.
Trump said the crowd at his rally preceding the Capitol attack was so large — falsely claiming that “some people say it was over a million people” — because supporters were upset about fraud and said he was “disappointed” in Vice President Mike Pence for certifying the election later that day. He expressed no regret about his actions on that day, nor about those of the Capitol rioters.
“I wish that Mike Pence had the courage to send it back to the legislatures … I like him so much. I was so disappointed,” Trump said.
That sparked his treasonous followers to hunt Pence while they stormed the Capitol, chanting "Hang Mike Pence!"
In order to fuel his fixation on fundraising, and keep his QAnon base enthralled, TraitorTrump needs to keep the conspiracy alive for his delusional flock of lemmings.
As Politico reports, the wealthy GOP donors at the function that wasn't readily open to the press did not applause his lies.
“It was horrible, it was long and negative,” one attendee with a donor in the room tells Playbook. “It was dour. He didn’t talk about the positive things that his administration has done.”
His shtick worked during his 2020 rallies, with COVID-exhausted cultists, but moving forward as America recovers from his deadly ineptitude, his toxic brand of self promotion will likely wear thin.