Crazy Peter Navarro Claims Dr. Fauci Weaponized COVID Killing Millions Of Americans

Navarro claimed it's Fauci and not Trump that killed thousands of Americans.

Peter Navarro has been on a jihad to blame Dr. Fauci for COVID. And Orange Julius being voted out of office hasn't stopped the Navarro war on Fauci.

Navarro joined Steve Bannon's podcast to try to take TraitorTrump and himself off the hook for their COVID19 lies.

I saw this via Twitter and I believe I found earlier discussion between these two on Youtube last month.

Navarro claims that Dr. Fauci is responsible for COVID19 while religious right fanatic Steve Bannon makes believe there's a new religion formed around science called "scientism" that's above everything else. They are both promoting conspiracy theories for clicks and donations.

Navarro said, "For whatever reason, Dr. Fauci wanted to weaponize that virus and he is the father of it. He has killed millions of Americans, if that thing came from the lab, and I'm 99.999% sure it did."

This man was put in a high position within the US government by TraitorTrump.

No wonder we have hundreds of thousands of deaths in America.

Never forget that Republicans put this insanity in power over life and death.

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