Fox News Flips Out Over Biden Joke

Desperate much, Fox and Friends?

The Biden agenda has been so successful so far, Fox News and their conservative cronies are left creating phony adversity and faux "disasters" for the administration.

For the entire 2020 election cycle, Fox News and Traitor Trump claimed Joe Biden was mentally deficient and was too weak to leave his house in Delaware.

Flash forward to May 18, 2021, President Biden visited a car manufacturing plant in Dearborn, Michigan and test-drove an electric F-150 pickup truck.

(Yesterday, on FoxQ, Peter Doocy attacked the president for daring to wear a mask there.)

A reporter asked Biden to comment on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as he was about to drive. Refusing to answer, Biden then quipped he'd answer the question if the reporter stepped in front of the truck.

Immediately Biden said, "I'm just teasing."

The reporters laughed at the joke.

For Fox and Friends, this was tantamount to a direct threat on the reporters' safety and fueled Fox and Friends faux outrage against the president.

After playing the short video clip co-host Steve Doocy said, "He's just joking."

A dour Ainsley Earhardt said, "He said he was teasing."

Doocy replied, "Joe's a joker"

"It wasn't very funny," Earhardt groused.

(Apparently, it was, to the laughing reporters.)

After the hosts bitched and moaned about spending dollars on electric vehicles and batteries, the Fox & Friends hosts came back to the joke again.

It was as if President Biden said they are very fine Neo-Nazis.

Earhardt needed to bring Traitor Trump back into focus and said, "But back to the joke he made to the reporter, if that were Trump that had said that."

Brian Kilmeade sighed in anger. "Oh my goodness."

"That would be all over every network and every paper," Ainsley replied.

Kilmeade continued, "It would've rained commercials on CNN. Would been 24 hours a day."

Mimicking a commercial, Brian said, "Is it the first time he's only threatened a reporter?"

End scene.

I saw this Newsbusters tweet last night and called them out for their lame criticism, but lame and conspiracy theories is what Fox News is all about.

Traitor Trump repeatedly threatened reporters throughout his disastrous four-year run. He even attacked Gold Star parents for not being sufficiently subservient to him.

But an actual joke made to a reporter is "a catastrophe" and "putting lives in danger."

Every day in the Biden administration is a slow news day on Fox because they have nothing to complain about.

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