Fox News Jealous Of Jen Psaki: Media Would 'Wax Her Legs'

A propaganda network has a problem with a press secretary who undercuts their "some people say" BS.

On Thursdays Fox News' The Five, the conservative co-hosts transmitted their jealousy of Jen Psaki's ability to calmly take questions from everybody and give rational answers.

The hosts pretended they were attacking "the media" but they were indirectly attacking Psaki as well.

Trump lied and lied and lied so much that being his press secretary was a difficult job. Spicer, Huckleberry, McEnany, and the rest were an embarrassment. And then there was the eleven-day stint of Anthony Scaramucci.

Nobody forced them to back up Trump's lies, misstatements, and unsubstantiated remarks, which caused fireworks in press room on a near daily basis.

Since President Biden took office, he reinstated the daily press briefings that Trump had canceled. With the professional Psaki at the helm, normalcy has returned to the briefings and that irks FoxQ.

The Washingtonian wrote an article about the briefings that raised their ire.

Jesse Watters led the way: "The press is openly rooting Jen Psaki, White House reporters gushing over the press secretary in a magazine feature..."

Complimenting a press secretary for a job well done (After what we witnessed for four years? Really?) is a bridge too far for Trump cultists.

Watters said, "I don't know Dana, is Jen getting 10 questions a day about how racists are her bosses or how her administration is treasonous or trying to hurt women, children and immigrants? I haven't seen that yet."

A little close to home, hey Jesse?

Here's a thought. When you don't have a racist, white supremacist narcissist as a boss those questions usually don't come up.

Dana Perino, a former press Secretary for George W. Bush, said the last time the press liked someone like that was for Tony Snow.

Dagan McDowell took the cake as lead reprobate saying, "After all that gushing and fawning from those reporters, what do we get to see next? Them cleaning out her refrigerator for her? Or maybe waxing her legs in public. "

This made Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, and Dan Perino cackle and laugh out loud.

Juan Williams was left speechless with that and moved on.

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