Kinzinger: GOP Gaslighting Like Something From 'North Korea'

The GOP rep told Sunny Hostin he felt like today's GOP is right out of Orwell's "1984."

Rep. Adam Kinzinger compared his fellow GOP colleagues trying to rewrite the infamous insurrection at the US Capitol to a North Korean propaganda operation.

The congressman told The View's Sunny Hostin that the GOP is trying to rewrite history when they describe the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.

Sunny repeated the insane claims by Rep. Andrew Clyde, who said that to call what happened at the US Capitol "'an insurrection' is a bald-faced lie," and that it looked more like a "normal tourist visit."

Rep. Kinzinger replied, "So when I saw my colleagues speak, it feels like it’s in the '1984' novel, or something you see out of North Korea. Where it's like, we're gonna state whatever we want the reality to be."

"I was there on January 6th. This was a real insurrection. This was an insurrection of people that thought, 'We're doing Trump's bidding, at the behest of Trump.' Not just on that day, but days leading up to that, with that narrative of a stolen election," Kinzinger said.

There are always a few whacked out Congresscritters from highly red districts, like Louie Gohmert, but watching that hearing unfold this week showed how blatantly the GOP is trying to rewrite the entire history of the January 6 insurrection.

The entire GOP is a bottomless, rudderless, fatuous, and phony political party. They are fascism incarnated to support a narcissistic buffoon.

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