Michael Flynn: Covid Was A Distraction To Topple TraitorTrump

It's also a one-world conspiracy to control people and society.

Former Trump National Security Adviser and Trump-pardoned felon Michael Flynn went on a crazed QAnon conspiracy rampage where he claimed COVID was created to destroy Trump's re-election bid on Nov 3rd and as a way to control society.

In other words, "deep state globalists" conspired to create a virus a year before Trump was up for re-election to dethrone him.

Flynn was enraged that (in his opinion) America has suffered more than the rest of the world from the coronavirus.

"This is my truth and what I believe," Flynn shouted. "Everything is a distraction to what happened on third of November. So everything we hear about Covid, and Covid started before November 3, it is all meant to control."

Flynn continued, "It's all meant to control. It's all meant to gain control of a society to be able to force decisions on the society, instead of allowing ‘We the People’ to make decisions.”

Flynn then compared his anti-VAX stance to the women's abortion maxim, 'my body my choice.'

Yeah, he did that.

Flynn also stated he'd been taking hydroxychloroquine for thirty years. I guess he has malaria. Or lupus.

I've had many Trump supporters tell me that COVID was a big international and global conspiracy to control society. They also claim all fact checkers are evil Democratic operators funded by George Soros. I kid you not.

'Sargent Robert Horton' leads the charge of global and historic conspiracies led by the Masons that has over 400K views on YouTube.

I've searched his name on Google and can't find him anywhere credible. He seems to be featured on Christian conspiracy sites.

Republicans who support the SeditiousEx are deluded into thinking this stuff exists.

Everyone are all in the Matrix and they're the only people that have taken the red pill.

(h/t Ron Filipkowski)

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