Mike's Blog Round Up
Links to Liberal Web-Logs
The Economic Plague Edition.
This warms my cold shrunken heart:
Worker Resistance Continues as Maine Dollar General Employees Walk Off the Job
Low pay and the company’s disrespect for its workers led to employees quitting en masse last Monday and Tuesday in Eliot, Maine
The Flashpoint. FU, DG!
Happening-Here quotes Krugman on the labor market. From 2013. The more things change ...
Journal of the Plague Years: Things in Texas not going well, from Off the Kuff. Key line: "they are seeing a lot more younger patients with serious COVID issues, as in 'needing a lung transplant'”.
Another vaccine myth/lie/fantasy, discovered by eVille Times.
Bonus fan-hitting from Buttermilk Sky.
Carefully curated by that nattering nabob of negativism, M. Bouffant. Send stuff we can use for this feature to mbru@crooksandliars.com.