Newsmax Admits To Lying About Dominion Voting Systems And Apologizes

Newsmax was forced to admit the 2020 presidential election was free, fair, and valid after settling lawsuit.

The far right and conspiracy theory-driven Newsmax network admitted there was no evidence of election fraud from Dominion Voting Systems, settling out of court with Eric Coomer. Coomer sued Newsmax after receiving multiple death threats because of their reporting.

Newsmax issued a statement exonerating Coomer and verifying election results.

Since Election Day, various guests, attorneys, and hosts on Newsmax have offered opinions and claims about Dr. Eric Coomer, the Director of Product Strategy and Security at Dominion Voting Systems.

Newsmax would like to clarify its coverage of Dr. Coomer and note that while Newsmax initially covered claims by President Trump’s lawyers, supporters and others that Dr. Coomer played a role in manipulating Dominion voting machines, Dominion voting software, and the final vote counts in the 2020 presidential election, Newsmax subsequently found no evidence that such allegations were true. Many of the states whose results were contested by the Trump campaign after the November 2020 election have conducted extensive recounts and audits, and each of these states certified the results as legal and final.

What Newsmax did (and similarly, Fox News and One American News) when they knew the 2020 presidential election results were valid, is disgusting and unforgivable. They still promoted the Trump administration, and Trump campaign lies that the election was stolen from him.

Rudy Giuliani is also being sued by Dominion for $1.3 Billion. Under investigation by the DOJ for his role in trying to force Ukraine into providing false opposition research against Joe Biden and his son, Giuliani tried to help TraitorTrump steal the election. He led the charge against the voting system company, saying "Dominion had stolen the election ‘technologically.’”

Wild conspiracies were propagated on other MAGA-lovin' outlets continually after the November 3rd election went sideways for Trump, including on Pat Robertson's CBN.

There is reams of evidence. -- evidence pointing to fraud, reams of sworn testimonies, and people -- you hear these guys saying they are unproven allegations. [Trump] doesn't have to prove anything. He has the evidence and the proof.

Well, he has no evidence? The evidence is overwhelming, and the thought that Venezuela might be controlling the company that in turn handles the huge amounts of ballots that control the election of the United States, it's horrifying.

I was told that the huge servers having millions of the ballots were in Germany. Now, I understand that it may well be in Barcelona, Spain. but it's not in America. This is something that we cannot permit. We cannot allow this to happen in this great country and we cannot allow our elections to be stolen.

On behalf of Newsmax, we would like to apologize for any harm that our reporting of the allegations against Dr. Coomer may have caused to Dr. Coomer and his family.

This caused irreparable harm to the country, inciting an insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6.

This apology is not sufficient and meaningless in proportion to what they did to the country. Newsmax saw death and destruction as an acceptable price for a few weeks of better TV ratings, and only made these contrite statements after facing massive lawsuits.

All these networks will continue to promote lies, conspiracies, and foreign propaganda to undermine the integrity of the US government.

OANN still has on-air hosts claiming Joe Biden is not a legitimate president.

On April 25, OANN host Christina Bobb made these unhinged claims:

The only reason, the last four months make any sense is because we can all now see that Joe Biden is not a legitimate president. The so-called Biden administration is a group of radicals that nobody wanted in power -- Kamala Harris -- and they devised an evil scheme to steal our election, and did so successfully thanks in large part to greedy Republicans who refused to fight back. They wanted their title and didn't care about the state of our country.

OANN, who is also being sued, issued a statement saying Newsmax caved to left-wing pressure by reversing all stories covering fraud in the 2020 election. Early Friday, the media outlet posted a statement to “clarify its coverage” of Dominion voting machines and the ongoing fraud investigation."

Russia couldn't be more happy with Fox News, Newsmax and OANN for serving up destructive propaganda that has help put this country in a volatile position, as the MAGA cultists continue to refuse to be deprogrammed.

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