Tucker Carlson Uses Unverified Vaccine Reporting System To Scare Viewers

Tucker Carlson once again proves he's one of the most irresponsible people polluting our airwaves.

Tucker Carlson once again proves he's one of the most irresponsible people polluting our airwaves. As John noted here, Carlson hasn't revealed his own vaccination status, but he sure is doing everything he can to make sure his viewers are scared to death of the coronavirus vaccines, and that we never get to herd immunity with all of the Republican, Fox-watching anti-vaxxers out there.

Here he is on this Thursday's show, using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, which, as Matthew Chapman at Raw Story explained, "is not actually a database of vaccine injuries; it's only a list of medical events reported as happening after a vaccine was administered, with no verification that the vaccine caused the event or even that the event was real."

That didn't stop Carlson from using information contained in the database to fear monger over vaccine safety, and then try to blame the Biden administration for not "fixing it" even though VAERS has always been set up this way and was never intended to be an accurate list of actual vaccine injuries."

CARLSON: Yesterday morning, because we had some time, we went to the website of the federal Department of Health and Human Services, HHS, and we looked up the numbers the Biden administration has gathered on vaccine safety.

Then last night, we boldly read those numbers on television, the Biden numbers. As we did that, we noted the administration's reporting system for injuries, it's called VAERS, has been credibly accused of being inaccurate.

We also noticed that very same system has been used for a long time. What was interesting is what the numbers showed consistently across decades, as a relative measure, one vaccine compared to another.

More deaths have been connected to the new COVID vaccines over the past four months and to all previous vaccines combined over a period of more than 15 years. Very same system, very different results.

Now, even if you concede that VAERS is flawed, and we did concede that, because it is, numbers like those over time obviously require some kind of explanation. How does this happen? So what is that explanation? We still don't know.

Instead of answering that simple and important question, the usual course of partisans began screaming and calling for censorship. How dare you cite the Biden administration's numbers! Those numbers are wrong! Okay.

So why hasn't the Biden administration fixed its reporting system? You would think that would be important. And more to the point, what exactly are the real numbers? How much harm have the COVID vaccines cause?

It's not an outrageous question. All medicine can cause harm. Acetaminophen can cause harm. So in this case, and a medicine that's being distributed to, as the president said the other day, 70% of the US population, it's fair to ask how much harm will this medicine costs?

But again, no one has told us. Their position is, you don't need to know the rate of injury. That doesn't matter. Anyone who asks about harm is immoral. That's what they're arguing.

If you ever find yourself arguing that, you will know for certain you have lost the thread. You are no longer at that point advocating for public health. You're doing something else entirely.

More projection from lying Tucker, who once again pretends he's "just asking" a question while spewing dangerous propaganda.

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