Texas Rep. Too Scared To Debunk The Big Lie

Republicans are so terrified of Trump and conspiracy nuts, they couldn't tell the truth about the 2020 election even if they wanted to.

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) was too cowardly to take a position on the 2020 presidential election, seeing that Liz Cheney may be ousted from a leadership position over her fight with TraitorTrump's voter fraud lies. On Fox News, he and host John Roberts discussed the possible removal of Rep. Cheney from her leadership position because of her dispute with Trump.

Rep. Cheney penned an op-ed in the Washington Post, entitled "The GOP is at a turning point. History is watching us," making her case against the cult of personality and narcissism that embodies Trump.

Finally, we Republicans need to stand for genuinely conservative principles, and steer away from the dangerous and anti-democratic Trump cult of personality

DownWithTyranny writes, "Liz is a raging conservative, not a progressive bone in her body... perfect for Wyoming? Well, no... she recognizes exactly what Trump is and, unlike almost all of her colleagues, isn't afraid to say so, even though it means she will probably lose her seat next year." Loyalty to the traitorous ex-president is all that matters to the GOP.

At the end of their interview, Roberts finally asked the Texas Congressman who was right on the BIG LIE - Cheney or Trump.

"Trump says the big lie was the results of the 2020 election. Liz Cheney says the big lie was suggesting that the 2020 election was stolen," Roberts said.

"Between the two of them, who's right?"

That's a simple enough question, since President Biden beat Trump handily. To normal people, there is no election controversy, but to Jim Jones conservatives, the BIG LIE lives on. Even after over 60 lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign led by the odious Rudy Giuliani and QAnon's Lin Wood were laughed out of court, because their claims were based on lies.

After multiple recounts in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania found no voter fraud, Rep. Brady could've been honest with the Fox News viewers, but that is not allowed.

Rep. Brady said, "So, I'll leave that dispute to them."

This response caused the Fox News the host to laugh out loud, because it was preposterous..

Instead of being truthful, Rep. Brady launched into the bogus claim that any corporate tax increase will destroy the US economy, and every American family in the country.

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