Adam Schiff Responds To Trump's 'Shocking Abuse Of Power'

It is past time for some Trump people to go to PRISON.

Chairman Adam Schiff of the House Intelligence Committee told Rachel Maddow Thursday that Donald Trump's Department of Justice committed a shocking abuse of power by seizing his, and others, personal records in an attempt to uncover leaks to the press while Trump was being investigated.

The NY Times broke this shocking report because a gag order against Apple just expired.

Chairman Schiff said that this latest example shows how Trump, Bill Barr, and the DOJ, committed a patent abuse of the department, yet another example of the president politicizing, using the Department of Justice as a cudgel to go after his enemies."

Schiff said it was "heartbreaking" to see what Traitor Trump did to the DOJ.

Post-Watergate, the norm was for a president to never again urge the Justice Department to investigate particular people.

“Beyond that, the president doesn’t urge the department to investigate his political adversaries or his political enemies."

Never forget that Trump used Rudy Giuliani to force foreign countries to try and destroy his political rivals as well.

It's also unheard of to have a president under investigation having the DOJ investigate the investigators including minors.

“And that is, I think, a terrible abuse of power. It violates, I think, the separation of powers. But it also makes the Department of Justice just a fully owned subsidiary of the president’s personal legal interests and political interests

"It’s hard to express just how shocking an abuse of power this really is.”

Traitor Trump was impeached twice and his behavior during the pandemic was so awful that nothing he did illegal or immoral is surprising.

The destruction he and his enablers have caused to our nation is still being collated. Donald Trump is a criminal and a traitor. And his brainwashed Republican audience will never hear of this.

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