Hannity Cuts Off Trump's Bizarre 'Windmills' Rant

Fox News host Sean Hannity was forced to cut off Trump's wild rant-rerun about windmills killing birds and energy supplies during a phone-in interview.

Donald Trump was supposed to be on Hannity Wednesday night to talk about Biden's meeting with Putin.

Why on Earth would Putin's Puppet want to highlight the differences between his bootlicking of the murderous Russian autocrat and Biden's expert staff assisted and genuine international diplomacy, with a side of warning for the cybercriminal dictator?

So Trump pivoted to his favorite bugaboo, WINDMILLS.

"We're not going to be energy independent two months from now," he said.

“They’re making windmills all over the place to ruin our land and kill our birds. They kill everything,” said Mango Mussolini.

Also: wind turbines are “not good" because they only provide “intermittent energy” and that’s “not going to power our great factories.”

I guess the buffoon was talking about the big issues with ERCOT even in the summer heat, and trying to blame wind turbines for the deaths suffered during the great freeze, instead of the Republican-led state refusing to upgrade their power grid.

"It's not good, it's not going to power our great factories," Trump said.

At this point Hannity cut in to change the bizarre subject to bring the former guy back to reality.

"What did you make of...."

(Trump garbled)

Hannity said, "There was a question, there is a question of whether Ukraine would join NATO."

After listening to his latest grievances, the right-wing The Daily Mail seems to have it right when it comes to the seditious ex:

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