Hannity Bashes 'Media,' But He's Clearly Talking About Fox

In a crazy rant, it sure sounds like he's was attacking himself and Fox News.

Fox News' Sean Hannity has been on a rage-filled jag of late (more than usual) about the New York Times, and Tuesday evening he hit the jackpot of Crazytown.

Hannity did a sort of conservative stand-up comedy routine last night, which on one hand sounded like he was correctly criticizing himself and Fox News as lying liars.

On the other hand, Hannity claimed his show, including his insane QAnon views and multiple lies, is a better and more honest newspaper than the New York Times.

I kid you not.

After whining about some sort of "double standard coverage" between President Biden and Traitor Trump, Hannity settled into his moral abyss as he spoke directly to the Times.

"You are kind of like talk show hosts, you claim to be journalists and you are not. You're partisan propagandists and it's very easy to expose all of your lying and your agenda."

It sure sounds like he's talking about himself and Fox News.

"The difference, for example, between me and you, it's simple, but yet it's kind of profound," he continued.

Here comes the comedy.

"I'm honest about who I am. I am a member of the press. I'm a talk show host. We do, and I can produce thousands of hours of straight news, thousands of hours of investigative reporting that you're too lazy to do."

He continued, "I give my opinion, I'm upfront about my conservative political beliefs, I do sports, we do culture. I'm like the entire newspaper. You [NY Times] say you are a journalist, you are not journalists..."

Fox News is the most dishonest major cable TV program, outside of Newsmax and OANN which have minor audiences.

Phony analogies, conspiracy theories, amping up culture wars and publicly admitting to having become the opposition research arm of the GOP against the Democratic Party is your staple.

Even though Tucker Carlson's white power, anti-vaccination, anti-mask hour leads in overall viewers, Hannity is the carnival barking clown prince of all conservative propaganda on Fox News.

And he punked himself.

PS There's a specific reason Sean is going after the New York Times. Their reporter Ben Smith outed Tucker Carlson as a mainstream media source. And the suits upstairs at Fox are so mad about it, betcha.

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