Psaki Reminds Doocy: GOP Voted To Defund Police, Not Dems

Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy tried to undermine President Biden by claiming he doesn't support police or funding for police, and was rewarded with a Psaki bomb for his effort.

Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy tried to undermine President Biden by claiming he doesn't support police or funding for police, and was rewarded with a Psaki bomb for his effort.

The Fox News reporter tried to argue that the hundreds of billions of dollars in the American Rescue Plan which Republicans did not vote for which would have gone to state and local police departments wasn't promoted as stopping a crime wave.

"Cedric Richmond said 'Republicans defunded the police by not supporting the American Rescue Plan' but how is that an argument to be made when the President never mentioned any money for the police to stop a crime wave when he was selling the American Rescue Plan?" Doocy asked with a straight face.

"The president did mention that the American Rescue Plan - state and local funding - something that is supported by the president and a lot of Democrats who supported and voted for the bill could help ensure local cops were kept on the beat in communities across the country," she replied evenly.

"As you know, it didn't receive a single Republican vote," she reminded him. "That funding has been used to keep cops on the beat."

Doocy came back whining that at the time Biden didn't promote this massive rescue plan as simply being targeted to support the police, but instead was related to a pandemic-related budget shortfall, as if the reason for laying off cops mattered more than the fact they were laid off.

"I think that any local department would argue that keeping cops on the beat to keep communities safe when they had to, because of the budget shortfalls, fire/police is something that helps them address crime in their local communities," Psaki explained.

Doocy continually tried to claim the entire rescue plan was just about stimulus money going to suffering people. Which is a very good thing by the way.

Her short response was, "It did those things as well."

"It was a pretty good bill and piece of legislation," she concluded.

Drops mic.

The punch landed, because Newsbusters lost their sh*t over it.

That caused the White House to push back.

And Rep. Bobby Scott:

So yes, Republicans voted to defund the police when they all voted the American Rescue Plan down. And young Doocy is an idiot for trying to somehow differentiate funding for covid layoffs from funding police to fight crime. She went easy on him this time.

Karoli Kuns contributed to this article

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