Democratic Marksman Takes Aim At Opponent Mark McCloskey

Lucas Kunce, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, expertly and mercilessly mocks 'Mansion Man Mark' McCloskey in new ad.

Lucas Kunce is a Democratic candidate in Missouri running for the US Senate. In a new video, the goes after Republican candidate Mark McCloskey. McCloskey, of course, is the fake tough guy that felt so scared by Black people walking peacefully past his mansion in his gated community, that he ran outside, waving an assault rifle around in a threatening fashion. McCloskey is now facing a trial for reckless use of a weapon,

Lucas Kunce, a Democratic candidate for the same seat, went after "Mansion Man Mark" in a new video, mocking him without mercy. The video starts with Kunce carrying his own AR-15. He takes aim and suddenly lowers his weapon, saying that he had enough of carrying one around in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kunce goes on:

You know what? Forget it. I don't have to do this type of thing... Stunts like that, those are for those clowns on the other side, like that 'Mansion Man' Mark McCloskey. If you don't remember who I'm talking about, he's that guy who got his 15 minutes of fame waving one of these weapons of war around at a bunch of people walking by his mansion, and now he thinks that qualifies himself to be a U.S. Senator.

Then Kunce laid down a challenge.

Kunce said that if McCloskey finally does the right thing and apologizes to the people he had threatened, Kunce said that he would give McCloskey a US Marine led class on weapons safety. Kunce even went as far as to set up a website, dubbed Mansion Man Mark, in which he repeats his offer, and invites people to join and/or donate to his campaign.

Unfortunately, Missouri is a solid red state, so Kunce will need all the help he can get in this uphill battle, even though the Republicans can't seem to muster a halfway decent candidate.

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