Mike's Blog Round Up
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Sunday already?
Ship 'Em Out! Big Bad Bald Bastard on billionaire bozos in the great beyond.
Yastreblyansky on Trump's hopes for a "book" deal. He's "writing like crazy". I'll bet.
Speaking of "crazy", The Rude Pundit: Conservatives Believe That Critical Race Theory Will Eat Our Children (Part 1).
Hackwhackers on The Culture War: "A temporary sugar high of outrage."
It's Sunday, you've time for one more, from Cutting Through The Crap: "Liberal" minds just work better than conservative minds; it's science!!
And a bonus cat track: Lovely picture. It's the background.
Done for nothing by exploited laborer M. Bouffant.
Submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.com.