Jen Psaki Nails GOP For ‘Absurd' Opposition To CRT

Speaking to Nicolle Wallace, Biden's Press Secretary said of Republicans' targeted outrage at teaching the truth about our history, "It's outrageous, actually, that it's become a political issue."

Our Lady Of Doocy Slayers was spotted outside her natural habitat of the White House briefing room, and had apparently been allowed out into the wilds of the White House grounds, where the Deadline White House crew managed to grab some footage of her speaking to Nicolle Wallace. It wasn't quite as satisfying as seeing her smash a pie into Peter Doocy's face (metaphorically speaking) but she still managed to paint the GOP as the fragile cowards they are. Particularly when it comes to facing up to our nation's racial history.

Speaking about yesterday's Congressional testimony, Wallace asked Psaki, "Did he [Pres. Biden] see General Milley's comments about wanting to understand white rage as a white guy?" Psaki answered that he had, and Wallace wanted to know what he thought of it. She prefaced her answer by saying what she thought of it as a white woman, and a mother of two small children.

"One, I thought they were hugely powerful, and hugely powerful from him. And as a white woman myself, I think it's important for us all to be self-reflective about what we're teaching our children, and how we're engaging with the next generation. And acknowledge that we have some dark history in our country," she said. "Racism still exists. There's a dark history of slavery in our country and it's important our kids know about that. That's something the president also feels."

She continued to say that our nation's history should not be a political issue. "It's outrageous, actually, that it's become a political issue. I think about what I want my kids to learn, my 5-year-old, my 3-year-old, and I want them to know about our history including the dark and really challenging and difficult parts of our history, too."

Wallace asked again if Biden saw the comments, and if he spoke to Gen. Milley after his testimony. Psaki said they were ALL talking about his comments, though she didn't know if Biden had spoken to Gen. Milley.

"I'm sure he's aware of them and agrees this should be a part of what we make sure kids understand and learn in our classrooms about our history, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. That's a part of what can do to prepare the next generation," said Psaki.

Then, in signature Psaki style, absolutely slammed the GOP for going down this road. "I don't know if anybody could have watched that, I know some people did, some Republican senators, it was hard to have watched that, and not thought it was powerful, not thought it was incredibly compelling, and really struck through what is really an absurd political argument happening right now."

Absurdity is the GOP hallmark, along with white supremacy. Triple bonus points if they can be married together in one shrieking faux outrage du jour, as they seem to be able to do with critical race theory.

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