Dan Crenshaw Goes Total Fascist On Olympic Athlete

The bogus CRT meme strikes again.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, the loudmouth Republican Congressman from Texas' second district, attacked Olympic athlete Gwen Berry and is trying to get her removed from the US Olympic team.

Berry has been very outspoken about her political beliefs. She won a bronze medal at the hammer event during the US Olympic trials and is on the Tokyo team.

CNN reports that Berry, "turned away from the flag to face the stands while "The Star-Spangled Banner" played during the medal ceremony on Saturday. She then draped a T-shirt bearing the words "activist athlete" over her head."

Crenshaw joined the jingoistic Fox and Friends and was asked "as a former military man," what he thought of her actions.

Crenshaw called for her removal from the team.

“We don’t need any more activist athletes. She should be removed from the team. The entire point of the Olympic team is to represent the United States of America. That’s the entire point, okay?” Crenshaw said.

This is exactly what the First Amendment protects against. Americans are free to speak their minds about our government without retaliation from any leader in government.

Maybe Dan Crenshaw should be removed from his congressional seat for this abuse?

Then the Texas Congressman went on another bogus rant about how critical race theory has been taught to athletes like Gwen Berry and this is the result.

Of course he did.

“This is the pathology that occurs when we’re teaching critical race theory into our institutions, because critical race theory, again, basically teaches that our institutions are racist, that our systems are deeply racist.”

Liars gotta lie and fascists gotta be fascist. CRT is not being taught in schools.

Like a Stalinist regime, any form of disrespect that is perceived by the ruling class, no matter how slight, would get you shot. In this case, it would strip away Berry's right to represent her country in the Olympics, because she dared to criticize our nation.

Crenshaw then continued the assault on our military, led by Fox News hosts by claiming US soldiers are so woke they our soldiers are incentivized to disrespect the flag at any time.

It's a fascist on a fascist network. Thank goodness Crenshaw has no rights when it comes to selecting Olympic athletes, he's just blowing hot air for the rubes watching Fox.

UPDATE: Berry herself says the timing of the Anthem was a setup directed at her. Because of course, it was.

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