Thanks, Tucker! Fox Insanity Forces MSM To Fact Check Jan 6
Just when the mainstream media was all set to erase "Republicans" from the January 6 insurrection, Tucker claimed it was the FBI. Fact check: It was Trump-supporting Republicans.
Turns out this Tucker Carlson slanderous malpractice has a silver lining, after all.
As I wrote earlier this month, mainstream media outlets, and particularly local news programs, have been noticeably omitting mentions of "Republicans" and "Trump" from their "January 6 insurrection" coverage.
The passive term "January 6 insurrection" already erases the culprits. It wasn't Republicans, Trumpers, or even Oath Keepers doing the overthrow of a free and fair election, according to mainstream journalistic practice. Just "an insurrection" happened on a "date."
Here at C&L, we tag items related to the insurrection as "MAGA Sedition Riot." Because it's the MAGA's from the Trump-Republican Camp who did this. Never forget.
CNN is among the outlets who all of a sudden found it necessary to "fact check" Tucker's bald-faced lies regarding the FBI's "involvement" with the insurrection. Tucker took an illogical leap, claiming that "unindicted co-conspirators" in a court document related to Jan 6 MUST BE FBI AGENTS!!! Legal analyst Elie Honig didn't sugarcoat it, noting that Tucker Carlson's lies lifted from an unsourced, anonymous article are "a bunch of garbage":
And don't forget the Republican lawmakers' absurd efforts to pretend the REPUBLICAN mob was made up of mere "tourists," or that those attacking Capitol Police are the "real victims" here.
The Washington Post pointed out that not only is it illegal to denote FBI agents as "unindicted co-conspirators," it's highly likely that two of the unindicted co-conspirators in the cases are Oath Keepers Ryan Schaffer and Stewart Rhodes. Duh.
It's great to have the legal language and Tucker's twisting of it cleared up. But more importantly, it's essential that the mainstream media never water down the Republican Party's involvement in attempting, not just during the insurrection, but before and since that day of violence, to overthrow the will of the majority of the voters, through voter suppression bills and fake audits.
So thanks, Tucker Carlson, for going so far into the conspiracy theory weeds that even the mainstream media legal analysts had to acknowledge that it was a right-wing Republican mob, and not just "insurrectionists," who broke into the Capitol on January 6.