Don Jr's Latest Delusion: 'Act Of God' Destroyed George Floyd Statue
Is there a bigger creep than Donald Trump Junior these days?
Is there a bigger creep then Donald Trump Junior?
This is a man who lives off his grandfather's wealth and never displays any class, dignity, decency, or compassion for anybody. It's pure narcissism that runs through the Trump gene pool.
A large George Floyd mural in north Toledo was struck by lightning and this was a cause for celebration for this dimwit.
His Instagram post reads:
This will drive some people nuts but oh well.
I mean you have to wonder if someone, like a higher power, is telling us something here?!? Obviously what happened to George Floyd should never happen anywhere!!! That said, objectively speaking, given his history I’m not sure turning him into a deity and a role model for our children is exactly the right idea either.
Also please don’t tell me they’re not trying to turn him into a role model/hero there’s statues of him going up all over the country etc. etc. The same lunatics who want to erase our founding fathers want statues of this man all over the place. Again, we can learn from a disastrous situation but the pendulum seems to always correct way too far these days.
Discuss!!!I mean when was the last time you heard of a building being destroyed by lightning? A brick wall that’s not a conductor of electricity? This stuff really doesn’t happen that often
Claiming he's a "builder" makes him an expert on lightning strikes.
Junior is more upset that statues of Confederate soldiers are being removed than the horrific murder of George Floyd.
Like father, like son.