Fox Guest: Slavery ‘Never Was A Race Thing’
Fox’s new Black bestie, Ty Smith, told the White Supremacy Network that there’s no reason to think of slavery as “a race thing now.”
After Donald Trump, there’s almost no one Fox loves more than a Black person willing to attack other Blacks about race. Smith has already earned his Fox bona fides by attacking its latest racial bugaboo, critical race theory (facts be damned!). On Tuesday, anchor Martha MacCallum almost swooned when she heard Smith reassure her viewers that there’s no systemic racism in America.
Smith told an appreciative MacCallum that “no one has been able to point to an institution” or “any type of data or any type of statistics” showing that systemic racism exists. For extra Fox points (and maybe a contributor’s contract), Smith claimed that college professors have hung up on him rather than try to prove it.
“They're very invested in this whole idea that the nation was founded on the idea of systemic racism-- that it's built into every single institution in America, even the military,” MacCallum said. Then she started on the Fox line that the military is too concerned about racism. “We just did a story about how the Navy underprepared right now but they're spending a heck of a lot of time on this. What do you think about that?”
That’s when Smith offered his revisionist history:
Next thing you know, Fox will be claiming most slaves weren’t Black.