Hannity's Weak Sauce: Can't Tell Viewers To Just Get Vaxed

Apparently, it's bad for TV ratings if a Fox News host directly tells their audience to get vaccinated.

Last night on his Fox News program, Hannity played the 'I take vaccine seriously' card but then veered off into nonsense a mumbo jumbo word salad on vaccinations.

After bashing the Biden administration over Cuba and the southern border, Sean still refused to straight out pitch to his viewers to get vaccinated against Covid and the Delta variant.

"I believe in the science of vaccinations. but I'm not a doctor. I've been pressured to tell people what to do. I'm telling people this: I want my audience to live," Hannity said.

He continued, "I don't want anyone dying from this thing. It's dangerous, take it seriously. I want people, if you have a cell phone, there is a wealth of information, more than you could ever read, available for you to read. Also, talk to your doctor. Your doctors know your personal medical history, your current medical conditions. consult other medical professionals that you trust and make the decision in consultation with your doctor. I think that's responsible advice for everybody."

Can you believe a cable TV host had to make sure he told his audience that he wanted them to live?

When you're parent network pays their top-rated hosts to transmit conspiracy theories and lies about the coronavirus, masks, and vaccines -- this must be required by their lawyers.

Then Hannity swerved into his usual immigration attacks and bashed any form of vaccine requirements by the government or businesses.

Russia's top Senator, Ron Johnson, then agreed with Hannity, even though he's one of the biggest anti-vaxers in Congress. RoJo ranted that the Democrats always loved COVID.

Johnson said, "What Democrats have wanted to create since the beginning of COVID is to politicize the disease and create the state of fear so they can maintain dictatorial control of the population."

These cretins who are trying to kill the American population in order to service the former narcissistic buffoon should all burn in hell.

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