Jessica Tarlov Tees Off On Fox Panel For Ignoring Ivanka's Corruption

The panel on Fox News' The Five bashed Hunter Biden for selling artwork, until Jessica Tarlov pointed out their amnesia with regard to Ivanka, Jared, and the Trump Organization.

On Friday afternoon's The Five, Hunter Biden became the topic of ridicule and derision by the Fox News Republicans on the panel until they were slapped around by the lone Democrat.

Focusing in on Hunter's artwork, the Republican hosts went predictably ballistic. It's almost as if Hunter Biden is not allowed to exist.

Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov called them all out for being ridiculous by refusing to admit that Ivanka and Jared made millions and millions of dollars while working for the White House and were never held up to any scrutiny by Republicans, or anyone on Fox News.

"We cannot have this conversation and completely ignore the fact that Trump children, Ivanka and Jared – according to the Citizens for Ethics Investigation made hundreds of millions of dollars while they were serving in government posts," Tarlov interjected.

"Ivanka got… dozens of trademarks, including three preliminary trademarks the day she ate with Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago,” she continued.

Watters gave a paper thin defense for Ivanka.

"Are you kidding me?" Jessica shot back.

She went on to hammer them by pointing out that If Chelsea Clinton had done anything remotely similar to what Ivanka did all their heads would have exploded.

"And they didn’t divest. You guys are not actually defending — just admit it," she challenged.

Of course they won't because honesty has no place for Republicans any longer. Or Fox News.

"You guys want me to say Hunter’s a bad boy and you won’t even admit the fact that what they did is preposterous,” Tarlov said.

Fox News is OAN with a bigger audience. There's no daylight between them.

I have no love for Hunter Biden, but he's meaningless to any political discussion except to point out that the Giuliani scumbags and right-wingers tried to use Hunter as a scapegoat for Traitor Trump so he could win reelection.

If anyone "cashed in on corruption" at the White House it was Ivanka, Jared and the Trump organization while the seditious ex-president laughed his way to the bank.

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