Mike's Blog Round Up

Stuff for Saturday from the Liberal Media

Apparently it's Saturday. Does that mean anything to anyone any more?

Getcher "Freedom 'Phones" here!! Only $500! Big Bad Bald Bastard enjoys this wk.'s affinity scam. There's one born every 30 secs.

Eve of Destruction? Maha wonders if "civilization" is hanging by a thread. Probably is.

How To Live BULLSHIT-FREE on Republicans & stuff.

David Brooks pretends not to get it (or really doesn't) about Afghanistan. The Rectification of Names tries to make Brooksie get it.

Pathetic freaking bonus: Nothing is too petty for Trump the plagiarist. He steals publishers' book blurbs.

Assembled w/o the instructions by M. Bouffant, of Web of Evil (& Ennui). Suggest something: mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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