McConnell Plays Chicken With Economy, Pushing Phony Debt Ceiling

Now that a Democratic president is in office, Republicans are refusing to raise the debt ceiling.

The debt ceiling was always a non partisan issue because if Congress failed to raise the debt ceiling then America would default on their loans and the faith and credit of the United States would be destroyed.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called out McConnell for this "cynical, political" move. "This is Trump debt. It's COVID debt." said Schumer. "America pays its bills."

Wingnut extremism exploded under President Obama, and it was the most radical Republicans in Congress that helped block (A deal no progressives wanted to be passed) the Grand Bargain being negotiated with Pres. Obama and Speaker Boehner. These nut jobs in the HOUSE later formed the Freedom Caucus in 2015, led by wackos Mark Meadows and Gym Jordan.

Congress under Trump signed legislation in 2019 that suspended "the debt ceiling for two years Friday afternoon. The Senate passed the deal, cut between the White House and Democratic congressional leaders."

Under Traitor Trump, the debt ceiling was never an issue, but now that President Biden is in charge, Sen. McConnell has put the faith and credit of the US in the balance.

McConnell told Punch Bowl News, "I can’t imagine there will be a single Republican voting to raise the debt ceiling after what we’ve been experiencing.”

You can bet any federal spending or tax increases will at the forefront for the GOP.

“I’d say it’s unlikely,” said Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Senate Republican, told The Hill in June when asked about the likelihood of enough Republican support for raising the debt ceiling.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, told Bloomberg that he'll lay out his demands next week on what it would take to get GOP support to suspend the debt ceiling.

How's that bipartisanship working out, Senator Manchin?

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