Jen Psaki Calmly Snuffs Out Doocy's Absurd Superspreader Comparison

Always with the projection, Fox News' most prominent nepotism beneficiary, Peter Doocy attempted to paint a few breakthrough COVID cases from the Texas Dems as a superspreader.

Sixty-five Texas State Democrats came to Washington, D.C. to deny their state's Republican party the chance to stomp all over voting rights for Black and brown people. Five of them have tested positive for breakthrough COVID.

Peter Doocy would like to know if this constitutes a "superspreader event."

"More than ten percent of the traveling party with these Texas Democrats now claim to have a breakthrough case. Is there any concern that this trip that was intended to advocate for voting rights is now a super-spreader event in Washington?" he asked.

First of all, 5/65 is not more than ten percent. It is barely eight percent.

Second of all:

MyPillow PhlemBoy insists people take their masks off before he'll take a picture with him. Even indoors.

Insurrection Eve, Blogger-Boy's thousands of crazed fans were exhorted to take off their masks and HUG.

The Failed Steak Salesman himself held indoor COVIDpaloozas at the height of the pandemic, pre-vaccines, nary a mask to be found, when he was attempting to steal a second term for himself.

And Doocy thinks 5 fully-vaccinated Democrats having contracted breakthrough COVID — at the same time they were fleeing their state in an attempt to stop fascist authoritarians from obliterating their Constitutionally-guaranteed right to participate in the democratic process — compares to THOSE OTHER THINGS.

Psaki responded, "Well, I would say that's not a characterization we're making from here. We certainly understand there will be breakthrough cases. Even vaccines that are incredibly effective are not foolproof. They're not 100% effective. We've seen that. Here's the good news, though. We know that these vaccines that these individuals, I think, if I'm correct, have been vaccinated, it means it protects from death, it protects from serious illness, it protects for the most part from hospitalization, so that is a good sign."

Linear thinking not his thing, he pressed on, "Now that COVID-19, after contact with those Democrats, has reached the White House, what is your message to these Texas Democrats?"

Hoping, pathetically, that her answer would be anything other than what it was and should have been, Doocy was slapped once again.

"Our message continues to be, thanks for standing up for voting rights, and the rights for Americans to have their voices heard at the voting booth, and we appreciate their efforts in that regard," she answered, cool as a red-headed cucumber.

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