Republican White-Owned Diners Are Back On Fox News

Guess who Republican white guy blames for his hiring issues?

CPAC Has moved their MAGA cultist conference to Texas since the insurrection at the US Capitol has made DC unavailable to them.

Lawrence Jones, (wearing a ridiculous 10-gallon hat) interviewed Rex Benson, the owner of Ol' South Pancake House to get him to attack any government assistance given to the struggling working class.

Rex was on-air for one job only: To blame the you-know-what for his hiring problems.

"Offering incentives, doing everything we can possibly do to try to get staff hired on. And we're still having issues."

Jones dutifully asked, "What's the hurdle?"

America is still trying to recover from a deadly infectious virus so that might have something to do with his woes.

But alas Rex knows the real reason he can't get low-paying workers to come back.

Benson said, "The hurdle is, I don't know where they are. Not coming back to the workforce primarily because of the stimulus, the extra money that they've been getting. It's really promoted a lot of laziness."

Yeah, that's it. People are just lazy.

Americans love being isolated in their homes for months on end, worried if they, their families, their friends, and neighbors will survive the coronavirus.

Maybe Jones should have interviewed his workers.

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