Right-Wing Media Smears US Women's Soccer Team
A FALSE story explodes on the Right, because outspoken women in sports MUST be "anti-American."
Right-wing media in this country will always publicize any kind of unfounded smear, conspiracy or rumor as long as it aids their quest at dividing the country between red and blue and starting a culture/race war in this country.
Especially if they can rope in a group of outspoken women, primarily women of color.
To wit: this time they attacked the incredible athletes of the US Women's National Soccer team (USWMT)
Over the weekend, former Trump's disgraced White House press secretary Sean Spicer disgraced himself again by retweeting a bogus tweet with video from a MAGA cultist twitter account "ElectionWiz."
Spicer, now a Newsmax host, chimed in with this malarkey.
Here's a screen-grab of the now-deleted tweet attacking our team that's ready to try and win the gold medal at the upcoming Olympics.
Their vid clip claims our awesome world champion ladies disrespected a 98-year-old WWII veteran and turned away from him.
No, they didn't. The team knows Pete. They did not turn away from him. They turned toward the flag (and there was more than one US flag on the field, GO FIGURE.)
Even though the tweet has been removed, but the outrage it caused on wingnut social media was pervasive.
David Badash writes, "Far right-wing media outlets also exploded with stories. The Daily Caller led the rabid attack with a headline that read: "U.S. Soccer Players Turn Away From National Anthem Played By WWII Veteran." Breitbart, The Post Millennial, NewsMax, and Russian government website RT all published similar stories."
ESPN tweeted out our WWII vet's harmonica performance.
Immediately, the USWNT responded to this faux outrage.
Of course none of these lying right-wingers have apologized for their lying viciousness against these tremendous athletes that represent our country so well.
FOX News ran a piece that echoed the lie but couched it thusly. US Soccer denies women's team disrespected WWII veteran before send-off match
Why were they forced to deny it? Because of the fever swamp scum that is the MAGA cult.
What they should have done, if Fox News were an actual news organization, was write a headline like: Right-wing media outlets smear the athletes of the USWNT.
All it takes is one bogus tweet and the wingnut outrage machine went full throttle.
I'm afraid this will eventually lead to violence against our incredible athletes.
They should all be ashamed, but of course they will move on to the next outrage to fuel more hate in America.