Cassidy Accuses Biden Of Being Too Partisan To Push Vaccines

So, not dying from COVID is only a Democratic goal, apparently?

Louisiana Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy tried to defend the low vaccination rate of his state by blaming partisan Democratic legislation, and President Joe Biden for promoting vaccines.

Really, he said that.

Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace asked the senator why his state is so far behind in getting vaccinated.

"Your state of Louisiana is the fifth lowest in vaccination rates, Only 36% of people in your state have been fully vaccinated. You're a medical doctor. Your thoughts about that? About the resistance to the vaccine in Louisiana, and is there anything you can and plan to do about it?" Wallace said.

Cassidy attacked the White House for making partisan comments about voting rights "regarding next Jim Crow laws, or people like Senator Schumer and the White House not cooperating on a bipartisan bill, 'Oh, here we're gonna be partisan, but here, you better trust us.'"

Democrats making statements on legislation that help the American people vote and improve infrastructure is too partisan? But calling President Biden and Democrats in Congress "Socialist," "Marxist," "anti-American," "freedom-haters who are destroying the country" is perfectly fine for his side.

Then Sen. Cassidy made another idiotic remark claiming President Biden shouldn't be advocating for Americans to protect themselves against the pandemic by getting vaccinated.

"He's depicting himself as uber-partisan," Cassidy said.

How is that uber-partisan? Who knows, but Cassidy does love that phrase.

After acting like a moron answering this simple question, he then said people should be talking to their doctors and healthcare workers to advocate for the vaccines. Finally, a coherent thought.

Then he became an idiot once again.

"That's the way to communicate, through your physician, your nurse, etc...not through some uber-partisan person who asked us trust him except when they are making incredibly partisan statements." he said.

I thought a president is supposed to lead the country.

It is the job of the president to protect the country during a health care crisis, and speak to honestly, which Pres. Biden has done. The availability of all the vaccines is quite an accomplishment for his administration. Telling people to get vaccinated is not partisan, ass-wipe.

To lie to the people so they refuse to adhere to the CDC guidelines, like the former guy did when COVID first appeared, leading to over 600K dead Americans, and helping promote the MAGA cult's anti-mask, anti-vaccine stance is not the way to go.

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