Hilarious: Texas Dem Turns Tables On Fox Host Pete Hegseth

The interview took a beautiful turn when a Texas Dem asked the Fox News host “if Trump lost the election in 2020" and Hegseth wouldn't answer. LOL!

Texas State Representative James Talarico put top Trump fluffer Pete Hegseth on the spot this morning, and it was glorious.

The Texas Dem turned the tables and asked Pete if Trump lost the presidential election.


Talarico joined Fox News to discuss why the Texas House Democrats left the state after Texas Republicans tried to ram through odious new voting restrictions.

During the entire interview, Hegseth acted like a jerk (as usual) and kept interrupting and trying to hijack every answer Talarico tried to give...

...until finally the Democrat had had enough.

After Hegseth blathered on about voter ID, Talarico said, "You have made a lot of money personally and you enrich lots of corporations with advertising by getting on here and spewing lies and conspiracy theories to folks who trust in you."

Hegseth was not prepared for this and tried to brush it off...

"And what I'm asking you to do tell your viewers right now that Donald Trump lost the election in 2020. Can you admit that?" Talarico asked.

Pete tried to change topics, but the Texas Democrat said "Did you hear what I said?"

“Did Donald Trump lose the election in 2020? Can you answer the question? Did Donald Trump lose the election in 2020?”

Hegseth tried to pull the 'I'm the one asking the questions around here' and Talarico replied, "Is this an uncomfortable question for you?"

That's how you do it, Rep. Talarico.

Put the Fox conspiracy bullies on the defensive and don't let up on-air until they cut you off if they refuse to answer an easy question.

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