Texas Governor Trashed Over Fake Border Wall Politics
A Texas newspaper said to stop the charade, Gov. Abbott.
[Above: From June 17, Joy Reid calls Greg Abbott "The Absolute Worst" for his border wall bs.]
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott got trashed by a Texas newspaper this weekend, for pledging monies to continue building Trump's bogus wall.
The Lone Star state's The American-Stateman wrote this editorial: We’ve seen this border wall show before. Please spare us the rerun.
Traitor Trump visited Texas last week and of course, continued his carnival barker actions about a stolen election and by bragging about his nonexistent wall.
As usual, the seditious-ex claimed murderers and diseased people are coming over the order in droves to destroy America.
To match the former guy's ludicrous behavior, the Texas governor pledged to use Texas resources to continue building the faccata wall.
Instead of spending Texas resources to fix the inept power grid that paralyzed his state that caused a deadly winter freeze, Gov. Abbott wants to spend $250 million to continue to the fraud wall project.
State leaders will reallocate $250 million of already-budgeted money for "a down payment" on barrier fencing to built along the Texas-Mexico border now that the Biden administration is not pursuing the wall promised by former President Trump.
Trump only built about 55 miles of his wall that Mexico was promised to pay for by Donald but obviously never would.
215 Texas landowners already screamed they are not willing to give up their land to these ingrates and there are massive lawsuits this point already.
The editorial ends this way:
Trump’s original campaign pledge to “build that wall” excited his core Republican voters, and Abbott is hoping to ride a similar wave of enthusiasm through next year’s gubernatorial campaign and perhaps a future White House bid. But we’ve seen this show before. Texas doesn’t need more miles of border wall. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for this charade. All of us should be spared this rerun.
Amen to that.