Conservative Dems Block Extending Moratorium On Evictions

The Progressive Caucus fought hard, but a block from conservadems doomed the motion.

A nationwide moratorium on residential evictions has expired on Saturday because conservative Democrats in the House who along with Republicans to refused to vote on an extension.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes told Jake Tapper, “There were many, frankly a handful, of conservative Democrats in the House that threatened to get on planes rather than hold this vote."

If Republicans had an empathy or morals they would have gladly voted for an extension which would have nullified the need for these conservative Dems. But they have none.

Instead of passing the buck and all the blame to the Jim Jones party, AOC also held her party accountable..

"We cannot, in good faith, blame the Republican Party when House Democrats have the majority.
President Biden also failed to get on top of this situation as well," Ocasio-Cortes said.

There's still time for the House to get back and do the right thing even if they are off at this point. With the infrastructure bill moving along in the Senate, they are on a 24-hour call notice.

Would the administration have had the reach to turn around these Blue dog assholes? I doubt it, but they should have tried harder.

Howie Klein coined them thusly: "all Republicans and the sh*t-eating New Dems and Blue Dogs from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party who the corporate media protects by calling them "moderates" instead of what they are" aided in this debacle.

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