Republican Gets Free Time On Fox Nation: 'Left Wants To Murder You'

Tucker Carlson and Fox Nation provide free publicity for this Pennsylvania wacko congressional candidate. Teddy Daniels Claims The Left Wants To Murder Unvaccinated People.

Republican congressional candidate Teddy Daniels made believe the pandemic is a hoax and said "the Left" wants to murder anyone who refuses COVID vaccines.

Daniels joined Tucker Carlson's Fox Nation web series and said he's from the communist state of Pennsylvania.

"If you want to wear a mask wear a mask, if you don't, don't," Daniels said.

That's true leadership right there.

"If you've had that conversation with your doctor and you feel the vaccine is the best route for you, go for it, but for those that don't that's also cool. Let people live their lives," he said.

Shoot, maim, infect your fellows with viruses, that's the true American right-wing ideal.

Tucker Carlson replied, "Shouldn't we kill people who don't get the vaccine?"

"Well, that's what the Left wants to do," Daniels said.

"Yeah, I've noticed," Carlson uttered.

Daniels continued, "You know that's what they want to do."

No, we want you safe and vaccinated so you don't hurt anyone else, but the anti-vaxers are doing a great job of killing themselves off. It's like they are committing 'suicide by owning the libs.'

Tucker disparaged Kristi Noem for not attacking vaccines in South Dakota.

Teddy then got real: "The government's response when this whole [air quotes] 'pandemic' started ..."

This is the state of the Republican Party and their political carnival barkers. They are basically one big QAnon conspiracy political arm of the most extreme views the right-wing has to offer.

And they get free campaign air time on Fox Nation.

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