Jim Jordan Disses COVID Patients In Florida To Attack Biden

Jim Jordan always has a seat at Fox to distract their viewers. This time it's a rerun: "never mind the COVID cases in Florida this is about immigrashun!"

Representative Jim Jordan told Fox News' Hannity that the he didn't care about Floridians who are suffering from the surge in COVID at all, and instead blamed the Biden administration for purposely infecting Americas with COVID.

"I don't want to hear anything about COVID cases in Florida, masks mandates in New York, vaccine passports, I don't want to hear anything about that until the Biden administration deals with the crisis they created on the southern border," Jordan yelled on Fox News.

"Owning the libs" with distraction shouty crackers is a Jim Jordan specialty.

As Aaron Rupar tweeted, "I'm sure hospitalized Covid patients in Florida appreciate the sentiment."

That goes for Texas, and Mississippi, and every other Red state blowing up with the Delta variant. Many high-profile COVID deniers and right-wing talk show hosts are being infected and dying as I write this article.

Suffering Americans don't care about political games when they need help from their local, state and federal government during a pandemic, and are ignored by governors like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott. But in Gym Jordan's world, this is an opportunity to attack President Biden...on immigration?

Creating a new conspiracy theory that the Biden administration is purposely infecting Americans with COVID by allowing immigrants to come in from the southern border is as Neo-Nazi as it gets. However, that's what they are promoting on their airwaves.

The odious Jordan was all too happy to join in.

"There is no other conclusion that any rational person can reach other than this this is intentional, this is deliberate. They are deliberately trying to harm our country," Jordan said.

States like Florida, Texas, and Mississippi have been overrun with new cases and their hospitals and emergency rooms are filling up, but Gym can only gaslight what's happening there.

Does soap scum float to the top?

"I don't want to hear anything about Covid cases in Florida" until the Biden administration does something about the border. Really.

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