Fox News Host Wishes For All The Freedom There Was Before 1776

Of all the sophomoric views we hear on Fox News host Mark Levin takes the award for the most sophomoric.

On Mark Levin's Sunday show, the Fox News host droned on and claimed Americans were more free under British rule before the Revolution of 1776.

This is how bankrupt right-wing pundits' minds are after supporting a narcissistic baby who wanted to be an actual king.

Of all the sophomoric views we hear on FoxQ, Mark Levin takes the cake.

"Do you realize we have in many respects less liberty today than we did before the Revolutionary war?" Levin said with a straight face.

"Yes, we were freer before the American Revolution than we are today," he added. "What a disgrace."

"Look at taxation? It's a disaster?" he whined.

I thought Traitor Trump took care of taxes for his ilk?

"Do we have representation today? Have you tried to even meet your member of Congress lately?" He asked. "It's impossible, and if you do meet your representative, what do you tell them? They're passing 2,700 pages of omnibus spending bills and they're doing it in the middle of the night."

Here comes the kicker: "You have no idea what's in those bills. That's less liberty than you had when we didn't have representation, because what happens here is that you get to vote, but you don't get to know anything."

Once again for emphasis: "Yes, we were freer before the American Revolution than we are today. What a disgrace."

Levin then criticized the 19 Republican senators who voted in favor of the trillion dollar infrastructure bill.

Americans voted for President Biden so he could implement changes that would actually help this country instead of only the very wealthy. The infrastructure bill has been negotiated and debated for months and not behind an Iron Curtain. It's been in public with public events and public discussions of what is in the bill. Mayors all over the country have endorsed and even begged Congress to do this.

Levin believes he's the heir to the Limbaugh throne, but he is about as charismatic as a 10-day old hard-boiled egg left out on the counter while the family goes on vacation.

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