Mike's Blog Round Up

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If it isn't Afghanistan it's the plague. Which makes me curious: How's COVID doing in Afghanistan?

The truth hurts; here's a hell of a truthful headline:

In Case Anyone Was Wondering Why the Taliban Actually Were Able To Retake Afghanistan So Easily, It Is Because the Trump Administration Agreed the US Would Unconditionally Surrender To Them

Adam Silverman at Balloon Juice. Heckuva job, Trumpie!

More truth: Nan (of Nan's Notebook) re-blogs someone who offers a rather cynical view of "American Values", esp. in the Middle East.

Compare & contrast Reagan leaving Lebanon & Biden getting out of Bush's War. Actual history, from Timothy Noah at Washington Monthly. Conclusion: No one will care who "lost" Afghanistan.

Don't Mess W/ Texas! Brains and Eggs on the diseased Gov. Abbott. Two words for the Gov.: Tommy Udo. (I am a truly horrid person.)

Schadenfreude Bonus: "A Good Republican", from Homeless on the High Desert.

Another two hrs. of M. Bouffant's rapidly-shortening existence shot to hell for nothing. (I could have been sleeping.) Send links to: mbru@crooksandliarsDOTcom

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