Trump: Bin Laden Was A One Hit Wonder

This traitor is sick in the head.

Trump:  Bin Laden Was A One Hit Wonder

Trying to rehabilitate his shattered image over his horrendous foreign policy and negotiated peace deal with the Taliban, Trump is now claiming that Osama bin Laden was no big deal.

OBL was the most hunted man in the world for over a decade before and after 9/11, until he was killed by SEAL Team Six in 2011, but sure.

He was a one-hit wonder.

Talking to Hugh Hewitt and showing how incredibly stupid he is, Trump said this.

And we took out the founder of ISIS, al-Baghdadi, and then of course Soleimani. Now just so you understand, Soleimani is bigger by many, many times than Osama bin Laden. The founder of ISIS is a bigger, by many, many times, al-Baghdadi than Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden had one hit, and it was a bad one, in New York City, the World Trade Center."

Who f**king believes this dribble? I'm not including the MAGA cult on this ask, but really.

Since Trump is a futile baboon and a sorry excuse for a human being, (sorry to all baboons and humans) he must be reminded that "in 1998, bin Laden ordered al-Qaeda to do simultaneous bombings of U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 people. Al-Qaeda also bombed the USS Cole in 2000, killing 17 sailors."

Trying to inflate his own ego, Trump just spit on all the first responders who are still suffering the effects of the Twin Towers debris.

And how quickly he ignore the thousands of Americans who died that fateful day.

The man who wanted to invite the Taliban to Camp David to use for a photo op, screws the pooch again.

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