Carlson Calls Immigrants 'Filth' While Broadcasting From Hungary
As usual, it's the projection. Why does Tucker hate America so much? He's the true filth.
Friday evening, Tucker Carlson went on a rant about migrants that reeked of Nick Fuentes, and claimed the Biden administration's immigration policy was manufacturing murder in this country.
Carlson has been sucking up to the totalitarian Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is predicting there will be election interference by the "international left" in 2022 against him. Just like Traitor Trump is doing about 2020.
In typical fascist right-wing fashion, Carlson used a single violent incident, the horrific death of an American women in Minnesota, to characterize U.S. immigration policy.
Carlson said, "This is not natural, this is a manufactured disaster. It's not a tornado, it's not an act of God. The Biden administration did this on purpose."
"There's an option to the chaos, and filth, and crime growing all around us," Carlson said.
Does Carlson mean in Budapest, from where he is broadcasting?
The true hate and filth in this country comes from cultists who blindly and slavishly follow the narcissistic buffoon.
The mainstreaming of hate towards immigrants, undocumented or not, has been one of Carlson's primary goals as a Fox "News" host.
Who knew Pat Buchanan would be Tuckems' racist guardian angel, sitting on his shoulder and whispering in his ear?