California Shows The Country How To Deal With COVID

Red COVID is not a myth.

California Shows The Country How To Deal With COVID

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that California is now the only state in the 'moderate' virus transmission category, according to the CDC's color-coded map of COVID-19 risk.

California continues to have the lowest levels of coronavirus transmission in the country, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

On Monday, the agency’s color-coded map showed California as having a “moderate” level of virus transmission, represented by yellow, with 48 other states stuck in the “high” transmission category, labeled red, and Connecticut advancing into the second-worst “substantial” tier, marked orange.

This shows how well the great state of California, not tethered to the crazy anti-vaxers like Florida and Texas, is handling COVID and its Delta variant.

There's a reason the California governor recall failed magnificently. A Trump clone like Larry Elder would have crippled this state.

We do have our Fox News sycophants who scream about masks, shots and "freedoms," but they are the minority and are treated as such.

Maybe @Politico will do an article not sucking up to DeathSantis for a change.

As David Leonhardt writes in the NY Times, "Because the vaccines are so effective at preventing serious illness, Covid deaths are also showing a partisan pattern. Covid is still a national crisis, but the worst forms of it are increasingly concentrated in red America."


Conservative communities, on the other hand, have been walloped by the highly contagious Delta variant. (You can find data for hundreds of counties here.)

Since Delta began circulating widely in the U.S., Covid has exacted a horrific death toll on red America: In counties where Donald Trump received at least 70 percent of the vote, the virus has killed about 47 out of every 100,000 people since the end of June, according to Charles Gaba, a health care analyst. In counties where Trump won less than 32 percent of the vote, the number is about 10 out of 100,000.

Editor's Note (Frances Langum): This post reminded me to go look up what happened to Covid rates after Lollapalooza in Chicago. 385,000 music fans attended, and vaccinations were required in order to enjoy the show. The result? There were 382 breakthrough cases documented after the concerts. That's 0.05% of attendees who got Covid. No deaths reported.

Vaccines work.

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