Fox Hosts Pissed Over Media Covering 'Justice For J6' Flop Of A Rally

...Instead of fear-mongering over refugees, like Fox loves to do.

The yappers over on Fox & Friends were very upset that the media spent any time at all covering the pathetic flop of a "rally" held this Saturday, demanding "justice" for the MAGA sedition rioters. Instead, they and attacked the media for not spending endless hours fear-mongering over Haitian refugees in an encampment on the Texas border.

That was their excuse for the attack anyway. I'm sure what really has them steamed is that the whole sorry fiasco may have had more reporters there than protesters, and that it's an embarrassment to Dear Leader Orange Julius that they all still worship.

Here are cohosts Pete Hegseth and Rachel Campos-Duffy lying about the media not covering the crisis with the Haitian refugees, despite the fact that it's been covered by pretty much every single major news outlet in the United States.

HEGSETH: This is a moment where it is quite stark to emphasize, imagine if this was president Trump. Imagine if this shanty town was allowed to exist. That's a government holding facility. Let's not pretend it's anything other than that. These are people who've turned themselves into the CBT, wanting to claim asylum, most of which are from Haiti. If that's what a government holding site looked like under Donald Trump, the media would be losing their minds.

Otherwise, there's very little coverage of this. What did the media cover yesterday when you turned on your TVs at 7, 8? The Justice for J6 Rally in Washington D.C. where there were more press than there were protesters, and they put a wall up around the capitol, yet they don't want a wall on the southern border to deal with floods like this.

So we're sending 400 more agents to Del Rio, to effectively babysit instead of actually patrolling the border as thousands of gotaways continue each and every day, helped by cartels, come into our country. It is an abdication of responsibility and that's what you get.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Absolutely, and at that J6 rally that the media was so interested in, as opposed to this humanitarian crisis, they also had the National Guard. I say, why don't we send the National Guard to protect our border?

The rest of the media doesn't spend all of their time scaring people about white replacement theory, CRT, or screaming about the "tyranny" of mask and vaccine requirements either, which also regularly has this right-wing propaganda network up in arms.

They constantly have to keep their viewers whipped up into whatever the latest manufactured outrage of the day is, which almost always involves hating on brown people or liberals, or some ginned-up controversy involving right-wing victimhood. It's all they've got, because they sure don't have any policy proposals that make everyday Americans' lives any better.

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